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bo体育app登陆入口:苹果党辣么喜欢撩拨Siri 可TA为啥叫Siri

时间:2024-06-21 04:38:01 作者:bo体育app登陆入口 点击:

本文摘要:It may be a household name now, but the first time Steve Jobs heard the word Siri, he wasnt sold.现在Siri是一个家喻户晓的名字,然而当史蒂夫.乔布斯第一次听见Siri这个词时,他却并不买账。

It may be a household name now, but the first time Steve Jobs heard the word Siri, he wasnt sold.现在Siri是一个家喻户晓的名字,然而当史蒂夫.乔布斯第一次听见Siri这个词时,他却并不买账。Thats according to Dag Kittalaus, the Norwegian cocreator of the iPhone 4S famed virtual assistant, who offered new details this week on how the technology was named, and how it seduced the late Apple founder.这是Dag Kittalausz说道的,这位挪威人与乔布斯一起建构研发了这个因iPhone4s而崭露头角的虚拟世界助手。本周,Dag就Siri技术如何命名获取了更加多新的细节,并说明了Siri如何顺利吞并胞弟的苹果公司创始人的。Today, 87 percent of iPhone 4S owners say they use Siri each month.如今,87%iPhone4S用户回应,他们每月都会用于Siri。

But how did the increasingly famous digital assistant end up with her unique name? Read on:但这个更加有名的电子助手究竟为何最后被命名为Siri呢?请读下文:Who came up with the name? Kittalaus did.谁想到了这个名字?是Kittalaus。As he revealed at a startup conference in Chicago this week, he planned to name his daughter Siri after a former coworker (in Norwegian, Siri means beautiful woman who leads you to victory) and even registered the domain Siri.com.本周他在芝加哥的一个启动会议上透漏称之为,Siri是他的一位前同事的名字,他本计划给他的女儿起名叫Siri(在挪威语中,Siri的意思是可以提示你夺回胜利的美丽女人),他甚至登记了域名为Siri的网站。

Then he and his wife had a son, and the website was shelved.然而之后他的妻子思了一个儿子,这个网站之后被不了了之一起了。But when Kittalaus was ready to launch his splashy speech recognition technology, he resurrected Siri.但当Kittalaus打算发售自己的引人注目的语音辨识技术,他又新的落成了Siri。

Consumer companies need to focus on the fact that the name is easy to spell easy to say, he said.消费品企业必须注意到这个名字很更容易拼法,并朗朗上口他说道。How did Apple get involved? Siri, Inc. was incorporated in 2007, and the technology was launched as an IOS app available in the Apple Store in early 2010; plans were in the works to make the software available for the Blackberry and Android phones.苹果公司如何投身于进去?Siri的公司于2007年登记正式成立,该技术在2010年初被作为一种可在Apple Store上用于的IOS应用程序发售,原本的计划是让Siri可用作黑莓和Android手机。

Things changed when Kittalaus, then the start-upss CEO, received a call three weeks later from Steve Jobs.但三个星期后,当作为这个初创公司CEO的Kittalaus接到来自史蒂夫.乔布斯的电话的时候,事情再次发生了变化。Then what happened? The Apple CEO flew Kittalaus to his home in Cupertino, CA, where the two had a three-hour chat in front of Jobs fireplace about the future of technology.先前发展如何?苹果CEO带着Kittalaus飞回他在加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺的家,在那里他们两人在乔布斯的壁炉前对技术的未来展开了三个小时的谈及。And, you know, he talked about why Apple was going to win, and we talked about how Siri was doing, said Kittalaus.而且,你要告诉,他谈及了为什么苹果不会输掉,我们也讲了Siri的现状,Kittalaus说道。

He felt that we cracked it. Apple went on to purchase Siri for $200 million in April 2010, ending plans to make it available for rival operating systems.他实在我们把它可耻了。在2010年4月,苹果公司以2亿美金的价格并购了Siri,落幕了让竞争机型可以用于它的原计划。There was one problem, however - Jobs wasnt fond of the name.然而,依然还有一个问题--乔布斯不讨厌这个名字。

Why didnt Jobs change the name? Kittalaus, who worked for Apple until October 2011, tried to convince the notoriously hardheaded Jobs that Siri was a great name.为什么乔布斯没改名字?仍然在苹果公司工作到2011年10月的Kittalaus,大大企图劝说乔布斯这个臭名昭著的死脑经,让尊重Siri的是一个有趣的名字。But in the end, the company stuck with the name for a more straightforward reason: No one could dream up anything better.但最后,公司以一种更为直截了当的原因拒绝接受了这个名字:没有人能想到更佳的东西。(According to Wikipedia, the name is now also used as shorthand for Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface.) Jobs was similarly on the fence about the names iMac and iPod, but failed to find a better option, says Leslie Horn at PC World.(根据维基百科,这个名字现在也是语音说明和辨识模块的缩写)。莱斯利.霍恩在PC World上说道:因没能寻找一个更佳的自由选择,乔布斯也某种程度对iMac和iPod等产品的命名所持模棱两可的中立态度。

But it seems Kittalaus was right about Siri.Today, shes an indelible part of pop culture, and a benchmark other companies are trying to top.但今日显然,或许Kittalaus对于Siri的预计十分准确。如今,Siri是风行文化的一个不可或缺的一部分,是其他企业竞相仿效望其项背而无法及的一座标杆。









